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Don’t get caught short-handed this hockey season

GameChanger Hockey is free to stream, free to score, and always free for coaches!
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4.9 / 600K+ Reviews

how gamechanger
works for you

Break away from the pack with free team management, live streaming, and scorekeeping at your fingertips.
hockey team management features
team management
  • Create your team online or in the app and save time at the start of the season with roster rollover.
  • Communicate with your team through in-app messaging, photo and video sharing.
  • Add your season schedule and sync it to your personal calendar.
  • Keep track of who can make games and team events with the RSVP feature.
hockey automatic clipping features
  • Clips of every goal scored are automatically created on games that are streamed and scored.
  • Coaches and subscribers can review game film and create their own clips with the screen recording functionality.
  • Edit, download, and share clips, or add them to your customizable Athlete Profile, which you can build on season after season.
hockey live video features
  • Live stream games for free to keep fans connected when the puck drops no matter where they are.
  • NEW! Live Stream and Record to Device: Capture full resolution coverage of your game that saves directly to your device if a stable internet connection is unavailable.
  • Review previously streamed games at any time with a library of archived videos.
  • Keep track of the game with a scoreboard overlay when you stream and score.
hockey scorekeeping features
  • Power the GameChanger scoreboard for free with simple digital scorekeeping.
  • Review goals, saves, and missed shots with the play-by-play recap.
GameChanger Hockey FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions about GameChanger Hockey. Need an assist? Head to our support page for more.

visit support
How do I live stream on GameChanger?

Starting a hockey live stream is easy! All you need is a mobile device. Team staff or confirmed team members (on teams with streaming permissions set to confirmed members) can open the GameChanger App, head to the team’s schedule tab, select the desired event, and then press “record video.”

Who can live stream a lacrosse game from GameChanger?

GameChanger now allows confirmed family and players to stream games in all sports.

If you'd prefer to only give staff members the ability to stream for your team, toggle the “Only Staff” option from the “Streaming Permissions” screen.

Who can watch the live streamed games?

The person streaming the game can choose to allow either only family members and players (if the players are old enough to have their own account) to watch the live stream, or they can also include team fans in the audience, along with family members and players.

How do I keep score for hockey on GameChanger?

Now, any confirmed team member can score a game with updated scoring and streaming permissions! To score a hockey game, open the GameChanger App and select the game you’d like to score from the team’s schedule tab. Then tap “score game” to begin scoring. You can always practice scorekeeping in the app to get a feel for things before game day.

What does GameChanger cost?

GameChanger is a free app. All GameChanger features — including premium features — are completely FREE for coaches and staff to use for their team. Parents and fans can join a team, utilize team messaging and scheduling, and tune in to a live stream or animated game stream all for free. Additional features for parents and fans, like highlight clips and box scores, are available with a subscription.


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“We manage our hockey team with GC, and the app does excellent work. Solid communication platform.”
App Store Review
John LaQue
star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon
“Easy to use for all parents on our hockey team.”
App Store Review
Vladimir Chernik
star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon
“I enjoyed watching my granddaughter play hockey from 200 miles away. The announcer did a great job keeping us informed on the plays, the video was clear.”
App Store Review
Mariann Hayes


Upgrade to our digital scorebook

hockey scorekeeping
hockey stats

Easy-to-use scorekeeping tools

Our intuitive scorekeeping experience makes scoring your games easier than ever. You’ll gather stats allowing you to make informed decisions to help your team win.

  • Assign missed shots and goals to your players
  • Track assists and saves
  • Keep your fans updated with live play-by-play


Bring the game to anyone, anywhere

lacrosse live video

Live video streaming features

Stream your games live from GameChanger and bring the action straight to everyone. It’s free to stream and watch on iOS and Android devices.

Learn More
  • Mevo and GoPro compatible
  • GameStream scoreboard integration
  • Audience controls
  • Clip sharing
  • Video sharing
  • Upgrade your streaming kit with our recommended tools

Team Management

Streamline your team communication

Never miss a key moment

  • Stay on top of your team with messaging and alerts
  • Keep track of events with scheduling & calendar sync
  • Share exciting moments with photo sharing
Hockey messaging
Team Management Features - Invite Fans

Coach more, manage less

  • Save time and hassle before each season with Roster rollover
  • Control roster settings by inviting your season staff and players
Learn more

Easier team management on the web

With new features being added regularly, this is the perfect place if you prefer to do important tasks on your computer.
  • Schedule events
  • Manage your roster and team
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hockey staff
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How-to videos

Check out our how-to video series to learn more

Contact support

Have questions? Contact our support team and get help

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Start Streaming and Scoring Today

The Only App You Need This Season

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