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Leagues & Tournaments

Before your teams step on the court, we’re here to help you step up your game. Get started with head-to-head scheduling, scorekeeping, and more.
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product features

Features to streamline your season


Admins have the ability to schedule all games and practices. Easily add and manage game locations, times, durations, and participating teams.
basketball orgs schedule


One scorekeeper can now record plays for both teams simultaneously. This will generate a GameStream of plays, box scores, and recap stories for both teams at once.
See How It Works →
basketball scorekeeping


League Admins can see Wins/Losses/Ties for teams that have joined to communicate with and manage your league. Standings will update after the completion of each game.
basketball orgs standings


Teams must already be on GameChanger in order to join the league. Each team that is invited will receive a "Team Alert" that is available from their Team Alert screen accessible on the top navigation bar in the app.
Basketball Organizations Invite

exposure integration

GameChanger integrates with Exposure Events, creating a seamless experience for your organization to import teams and schedules.
exposure integration Logo
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Embed your event scoreboard so everyone can follow along


Powerful features for all your teams

Save time and effort for every team involved by scheduling and scoring head-to-head games for both teams.
Easily create Head-to-Head matchups
Admins will have the ability to schedule all games. You can input and manage game locations, times, durations, and participating teams.
Learn more ➜
h2h matchups
h2h scheduling
Head-to-Head (Single) Scorekeeping
Single scorekeeper can now score play-by-play events to two GameStreams simultaneously (i.e. the Home team can score for both the Home team and the Away team).
Learn more ➜
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interested in using gamechanger for your league or tournament?

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Gathering basic information

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1. Type
Designate League, Travel Org, or Tournament.
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2. Sport
Select Basketball (or your league’s sport).
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3. Location
Enter city and state.
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4. Name
Give your league or tournament a public name.
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5. Season & Dates
Select the season and dates your games will be played in (spring, summer, fall, or winter).
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interested in using gamechanger?

Let us know about your organization and we’ll make sure you’re set up for success.
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