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Softball and Baseball Lineup Sharing

May 20, 2024

Lineup Sharing for Softball and Baseball is Here!

Scan and Share Your Softball or Baseball Lineup

Lineup sharing is here to make game day a whole lot easier. Now you can easily scan and share your team’s lineup before the first pitch. And in just two taps, you can get your opponent’s lineup, saving you time and ensuring the accuracy of the lineup. The best part? Lineup sharing is included as a part of GameChanger’s FREE scorekeeping features.

Two Ways to Use Lineup Sharing

If both teams are on GameChanger, there are two ways to swap lineups: share your lineup with the opposing team or scan the opposing team’s lineup via QR code.

How to Share Your Team’s Lineup

  1. Once your lineup is set, tap “score game” and navigate to your lineup using the navigation bar on the bottom of your screen.
  2. Tap “share your team lineup”  at the top of your My Team tab within scorekeeping mode. Once you tap that button, GameChanger will generate a unique QR code, which your opponent can scan.
  3. You can also scan your opponent’s lineup from this screen or by tapping “opponent” in the bottom navigation bar of scorekeeping mode for your game

How to Scan The Opposing Team’s Lineup

  1. In the GameChanger App, tap on your game from your team schedule and then tap “score game.
  2. Tap "opponent" in the bottom navigation bar.
  3. In order to perform this next step, your opponent will need to follow the steps to share a baseball or softball lineup above. At the top of your screen, tap “scan opponent lineup.” This will open your device's camera within the GameChanger app, so that you can scan your opponent's unique QR code. Be sure that GameChanger has access to your camera within your device's settings.
  4. Once you scan your opponent's QR code, GameChanger automatically pulls their starting lineup into your game. The lineup will be automatically matched up against the opponent's roster. Tap “score” in the bottom navigation bar and proceed to score your game!

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