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The softball app that brings game day to life.

Score and stream softball games for free with GameChanger. Get game alerts and track game and season stats — all from the palm of your hand.
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Unlock box scores and plays on the web!
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how gamechanger
works for you

Track performance and stay connected with your team all season long — free for coaches!
live video streaming
FREE team management
  • Schedule events, manage your roster, view team or player stats, and set starting lineups from the app or on the web.
  • Save time at the start of the season with roster rollover.
  • Sync the team schedule to your personal calendar.
  • Easily communicate with your team through in-app messaging and photo sharing.
  • Use the RSVP feature to keep track of who can make team events.
stat tracking
  • Keep track of the softball stats that help your team win with more than 150 stats for each game, player, and season.
  • Review batting and pitching spray charts by game and by season.
  • Filter stats by sets of games to drill down on team and player performance.
  • Add career stats from an athlete’s entire time on GameChanger to their custom Athlete Profile.
  • Get additional game context when you check out the play-by-play or box score, available in app and on the web.
automatic highlight clips
  • Clips of every play are automatically generated on games that are streamed and scored.
  • Edit, download, and share your athlete's video clips, or add clips to your customizable Athlete Profile by tapping on your athlete’s name from the team roster.
  • Enjoy an automatically curated list  of game highlight clips following any game that is streamed and scored.

gamechanger university

Make it to the GameChanger big leagues by watching these
softball how-to videos.
GameChanger softball FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions about GameChanger Softball. Need a hand? Head to our support page for more.

visit support
How do I live stream on GameChanger?

Starting a softball live stream is easy! All you need is a steady mobile device. Team staff or confirmed team members (on teams with streaming permissions set to confirmed members) can open the GameChanger App, head to the team’s schedule tab, select the desired event, and then press “record video.”

Who can live stream a game from GameChanger?

GameChanger now allows confirmed family and players to stream games in all sports.

If you'd prefer to only give staff members the ability to stream for your team, toggle the “Only Staff” option from the “Streaming Permissions” screen.

Who can watch the live streamed games?

The person streaming the game can choose to allow either only family members and players (if the players are old enough to have their own account) to watch the live stream, or they can also include team fans in the audience, along with family members and players.

How do I keep score for softball on GameChanger?

Now, any confirmed team member can score a game with updated scoring and streaming permissions! To score a softball game, open the GameChanger App and select the game you’d like to score from the team’s schedule tab. Then tap “score game” to set the lineups and begin scoring. You can always practice scorekeeping in the app to get a feel for how to score basic plays before game day.

Can I edit plays or player attribution while I’m scoring a game? 

Yes! You can edit plays and player assignments, including plays that were unassigned in real time. Do this by scrolling down to the “plays” section of the scorekeeping page, and selecting the play you wish to edit.

Can I update the box score or edit plays after a game is finished?

Yes! Box scores are available both in the app and on the web once a game is complete. Team staff can navigate to the schedule tab and then choose the game with the box score they wish to edit.

What does GameChanger cost?

GameChanger is a free app. All GameChanger features — including premium features — are completely FREE for coaches and staff to use for their team. Parents and fans can join a team, utilize team messaging and scheduling, and tune in to a live stream or animated game stream all for free. Additional features for parents and fans, like highlight clips and box scores, are available with a subscription.


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“When I cannot attend my granddaughters softball or volleyball game I can check in with GameChanger and watch!”
App Store Review
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“Great app for softball dads.”
App Store Review
John Trudel
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“I coach a 16U softball team and this app is great. A lot easier than trying to keep a book.”
App Store Review
Thomas Hash
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“GameChanger is used by everyone in our Little League and we love it. My favorite part is being able to go back to video clips from 3 years ago when my daughter just started playing and being able to track her progress in her stats/videos.”
App Store Review
Darcie Egerton
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“Awesome app that I truly appreciate. I'm able to see my daughters play softball when I'm not able to attend. I can also track their statistics and save the highlights of their performances!! Gamechanger has been priceless!!”
App Store Review
Jay Rogers
Start Streaming and Scoring Today

The Only App You Need This Season

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